Drones ( fixedwing and multicopters )

Our drone services include visual and thermal aerial photography and photogrammetry, which allow us to capture high-resolution images of a site or object and generate 3D models and maps. Our drones are equipped with high-end cameras and sensors that enable us to collect data from difficult-to-access areas, such as rooftops and tall structures.

  • Construction: site surveying, progress monitoring, and safety inspections
  • Mining: stockpile volume calculation and terrain analysis
  • Oil & Gas: flair stack and chimney inspection
  • Renewable energy: photovoltaic and wind turbine inspection
  • Forestry: tree counting, forest inventory, and health monitoring
  • Agriculture: crop monitoring, yield estimation, and plant health analysis
  • Emergency response: damage assessment and search and rescue operations


Drones with longest flight time can fly 2-10 hours, depending on the wind direction and whether they carry any payload. Drones can collect various types of data, including:

  • Aerial imagery
  • Thermal imagery
  • LiDAR data
  • Multispectral imagery
  • Video and audio data

Overall, drones can collect a wide range of data that can be used for various applications in industries such as agriculture, construction, mining, environmental monitoring, and many more.
